The Civilization
of Love Movement

The Civilization
of Love Movement

Humanity’s Next Great Adventure

The Civilization of Love is an international movement, transcending countries, religions, and philosophies, mobilizing humanity to transform institutions and societies, building a global civilization of love. We reject the culture of death with its fear, anger, hate, division, greed and war.


We choose love not as sentimental emotion;
but as transcendent action,
working for each others well-being,
as we would for ourselves.

If Not Love

If not love,
then what?
If not for love,
then why?
If not with love,
then how?
If not now,
then when
If not us,
then who?

~ Tony Bellizzi

“Abundant, transcendent, unconditional, sacrificial love is the only hope humanity ever has.”
Tony Bellizzi

“We’ve tried the law of the jungle, an age of reason, an information age. It’s time to build a Civilization of Love.”
Tony Bellizzi

Will you help build the Civilization of Love?

Will you help build the Civilization of Love?

We build a Civilization of Love:

We build a Civilization of Love:

1. Personal Action

Every selfless loving action builds the Civilization of Love:

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Neighbors
  • strangers
  • work, school
  • worship
  • Community
  • Social media

2. Community Involvement

All organizations need help, form new ones for unserved needs.

3. Reforming All Social, Political, and Economic Institutions

Get involved, driving and supporting systemic change.

All institutions need a massive transfusion of love:

  • Social
  • Religious
  • Economic
  • Political

Hold leaders accountable to the code of love, acting for the greatest good.

4. Global

On the near horizon, humanity must mobilize to transform institutions and societies, building a global Civilization of Love. Help us spread this movement to your contacts around the world.

4. Global

On the near horizon, humanity must mobilize to transform institutions and societies, building a global Civilization of Love. Help us spread this movement to your contacts around the world.

Tony Bellizzi is available for live presentations about the Civilization of Love movement at colleges, churches, schools, and other venues.

Contact Info:

90-21 Springfield Blvd
Queens Village, NY 11428

Phone: (718) 479-2594

Email: Click Here

If you are serious about transforming our political system:

ACOL Party: Check out our new political party at ACOL.US
This party is just forming. Visit now to learn how you can get involved in starting a base in your state or local setting.

Tony Bellizzi for president:

The COL Movement

The Civilization of Love movement strongly encourages citizen involvement including social and political action for the purpose of making much needed institutional reform.

The COL movement does not financially support or officially endorse COL political entities or candidates.

Please participate on this site respectfully, contributing to the cause of increasing love in this world.

You are invited to commit to building a world where love rules through your life… your family and relationships… your work and or school… your community and your country.

What’s it about?

The Civilization of Love movement strongly encourages citizen involvement on a local, national, and global scale.

Outreach & Community Growth

Working together to better the world we live in.

Social & Political Action

Enacting a global movement which stems from a basis of Love and human dignity.

Institutional Reform

Replacing gov’t corruption with integrity and legitimacy.

The Book

The Civilization of Love book is meant to further expand your knowledge of the Civilization of Love movement.

“The Civilization of Love” Book By Tony Bellizzi is available for $15 donation to benefit the Hope For The Children Foundation
(includes postage)

The Civilization of Love movement is a project of the Hope for the Children Foundation, the sponsor of this movement and website.

Food For Thought

Bite-sized morsels of wisdom and inspiration

Attitude of Gratitude

May we all be a lot more grateful and take a lot less for granted: family, friends, food and shelter, our personal lives, life itself. If we would live in that state we...

Real Strength

Unite as a family that is stronger than the sum of small individual members. The whole is greater than the part, also greater than the sum of the parts.


This movement serves as a jolt; jump-starting people’s hearts into an open position, from which they can act individually and together in a more noble way.


“The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back.” Abigail Van Buren


“Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible. It cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more...

Who suffers most?

If We Fail to rise to this occasion who suffers most? The young. They always pay the biggest price: *When there is no love: from their parents, within their family, the...

Just Gives

“Intense love does not measure, it just gives.” St. Mother Teresa

Most Important

“The most important thing in life is to learn to give out love, and let it come in." Morrie Schwartz

This is a move

This is a movement of moral leadership and progressive reform.


This movement is about recovering our vision, our story, and making proud all those who came before us and sacrificed for us.


All human suffering and difficulties can be reduced to the inability or refusal to love.

Had Enough?

Are you tired of all the hate, the division of America into two camps? Do you long for an America of possibility, of a vision to be proud of?

The Core

The foundation of this movement of love transcends the various groups that support it. It resides in the human heart, resonating in a way that we know most powerfully that...

Keep Hope Alive

“The coward fears everything. The brave, confident man has a hopeful disposition.” Aristotle

Hope for your Children

You want your children and grandchildren to grow up in a society where we strive to live together by the highest code we strive for in our personal lives rather than...


“When, in the name of an ideology, there is an attempt to remove God from a society, that society ends up adoring idols, and very soon men and women lose their way, their...


What good is it to go out into space if we have never made the earth a genuine home for all the souls who come here; always remembering that what we do to, for, and with...


Choose decency over disrespect, compassion over contempt, service over ambition, integrity over expedience.

No More

We all know love is not easy, and some are afraid that the commitment to love will exhaust the country. But hasn’t the alternative that we are currently living; an...


We dare to dream big, to rethink our priorities, to create something new that reflects our deepest values and commit our daily lives to.


The hope is where people dig in their heels and say: “this is how it’s going to be here. We care about each other.”


Where is the love? There is no love where the resources are skewed in such a way for the benefit of a few while so many others suffer.


This movement requires a level of courage needed and seen in war. This is facing our own lower instincts and fears. An external enemy can be easier to confront.


How we turn this around: The people you do good with become your allies; those you can trust in the future missions.


You can’t sustain 50 years of intensified selfishness; throw in Vietnam, Watergate, 9-11, 2008 recession, 2 failed Middle East wars, Trump, and a pandemic and just say...

Don’t stop now

This is how adults behave: delaying gratification and making the hard decisions that lead to a better country down the line, if not immediately. Confronting danger and...


When you find something that expresses love and joy you don’t keep it to yourself. Extend it, keep it going, transcending beyond what is.


We all have a core life choice: for good, for evil, for pleasure, ambivalence. Those who have chosen to strive to manifest only good here: we need to join together. When you...

Choose to refuse

Every voice of fear within our own limited minds will rise up to the surface. Every loud-mouthed demagogue representing the forces that have so much to lose should a more...

The Horror

We do horrible things to each other and when we refuse to love, it’s always the kids who get hurt. We must leave them a safer, more peaceful world.

Core Message

Our core message is that love is the answer. Love manifested as the greatest good, for the greatest number, in the greatest number of circumstances, for the greatest amount...

Grit & Guts

This movement will require courage and hard work. It is not for the feint of heart; but is necessary because the only alternative outcome is raging desperation and despair.

Action not words

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” Oscar Wilde

Prime Directive

We can arrive at the same conclusion of the primacy of Love through an infinite number of ways. Some are fed and driven by relationship, religion, some an innate sense of...

All you Need

Love is the final frontier. We have to stop pretending that a lot of other things like wealth, fame, and technology matter more. All of it is useless without love. Just as...


An age of unprecedented death and destruction has dawned upon humanity, and unless we reverse this flow and make a serious course correction, humanity will drop backwards...


Love never Fails.


Love is the Final Frontier.


Love is always putting the good ahead of personal desires.


“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." Dalai Lama

no jerk

Try to do good in the world, not out of fear of hell or adherence to religious platitudes or even the reward of heaven. Do it because it feels better than being a jerk.

No Barriers

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” Maya Angelou


“That old law about “an eye for an eye” leaves everybody blind. The time is always right to do the right thing.” MLK

This is a push

“Sometimes history needs a push.” Lenin

Never repay

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” John Bunyan

It’s Time

The time has come for all of us to not settle for what we have done so far, but to courageously stand in the breach, as weak, but blessed creatures, the wind of the creator...


“We need a movement. The only way you honor your prophets is when they fall, you pick up the baton and walk the next mile.” Wm. Barber

Always Action

Love Is A Verb. Love, the feeling, is a fruit of love, the verb. Serve. Sacrifice. Empathize. Appreciate. Feelings follow action. If our feelings control our actions, it is...

no Victims

Never get stuck in victim mode “They” are trying to get something for nothing. “They” enslaved my ancestors. “They" are ruining my country. When we don't believe the people...

New Ground

“Let us not go over the old ground. Let us rather prepare for what is to come.” Cicero


This really is God’s movement. God’s project. It is our Creator who is shaking us out of our comfort zone towards becoming what our species was made for.

That alone

“We’re all going to die. That alone should make us love each other, but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, beaten up by nothing.” Charles...

It don’t come Easy

Nothing in the world worth having comes easy.

Break on Through

Breaking through to a new level requires breaking through our comfort zones and facing the uncomfortable.

Impossible Dream

"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." Arthur C. Clarke


Love is rejecting any conceit of our own achievements. It rejects any willingness to impose power on those more vulnerable.

Never before

Humans have never before committed their collective life to this goal and purpose of love. Meanwhile always hoping that somehow the worst won’t occur; perpetually perplexed...


Not allowing someone their voice is claiming that you are crippled by the fear of what they might say.

Never Surrender

Would good can possibly come out of surrendering to “this is the way it will always be, and you can’t change it.” Does that feed your soul? We do not have to accept this...


Old ways won’t open new doors.


We need each other, and to belong to each other as a nation, as a family of nations, as a species.


This movement is the ultimate re-set; capturing the power of new beginning; activating new and novel pathways and rhythms.


“Unity is certainly not proposing an authoritarian and abstract universalism, devised or planned by a small group and presented as an ideal for the sake of leveling,...

Good News

The paradigm is shifting.

Out to Launch

This is the launch of a huge national renewal, offering an ideal and goal that is profound enough that we can unite behind it and move forward.

Not Conformity

United is not uniform conformity. The syntheses of diverse cultures grows a more vibrant, beautiful world.

Many Identities

In this era of identity politics remember that we have many identities. Let's focus on our ultimate identities: 1- we are each God’s beloved child 2- we are all members of...

A Big Chunk

We all want to feel that this is our home. But we’re afraid. The greed, stupidity, hate, anger, fear, chaos, corruption, insanity has gone so far that we fear we are...


There is nothing more beautiful, meaningful, and life-giving than the person doing whatever task is before them radiating with peace, joy and love from within.

Let it go

It’s a big country. There’s a lot of people who don’t think like you do. We don’t have to agree on everything. Let it go. The only hope for healing is to take the ego out of...


Now is the time to let go of what no longer serves us.


Our past is never our future. Yesterday does not equal tomorrow.


We cannot change one moment of the past, but we can change our whole future.

Smoke & Mirrors

Ultimately love, translated into just acts, is the only real hope for peace. Everything else is smoke and mirrors.


The Civilization of Love facilitates bonding for the larger purposes of why we have been brought together.

Take a good look

We will benefit and shape a more noble culture by deeply examining our lifestyles, relationships, the organization of our society, and the very meaning of our existence.

Intelligent design

“It is more intelligent to hope than to fear, to try than to not try.” E. Roosevelt

Go with the flow

Flow of social change: 1-Awareness of deficiency 2-desire for better 3-protest for better 4- movements for change 5-systemic change

Only Human

We are all human, each flawed, and the more you learn history, you see that we are just the latest in a long line. We may be foolish, filled with hatred, malice, jealousy,...

Love or Greed?

Do you want a love or greed based social order? They don’t go together. You have to choose.

Remember the Future



It is shameful and cowardly to insist that the level of cruelty and injustice in the world is inevitable and cannot be improved.

No one is Insignificant

The modern world tends increasingly to functionalize the satisfaction of human desires, now classified and subdivided among different services. Their illnesses known only in...

Real Guts

When it comes to love there is no end to the amount of songs, sermons, poetry, stories, and inspirational speeches. What takes real guts is daring to enter the arena of...


“It’s only the giving that makes you what you are.” Ian Anderson

Worst Thing

The worst thing we can do is not try. There is a Chinese proverb: “Failure is the mother of success.”


We don’t die when our hearts stop beating. We die when and where we feel we don't matter anymore.

More than Animals?

When a large number of animals are thrown together in a harsh environment each regards every other animal as an enemy.


Seal sings: “We’re never going to survive unless we go a little crazy.” The Civilization of Love Movement is way outside the box. And necessary.

Hope this is true

Most people still want to be on the right side of good vs. evil.

True Friends

“Friendship that insists on agreement in all things is not worthy of the name.” Gandhi

For Good

We are changing the world for good, with love. Go the Way your Blood Beats

See the best

We need to stop defining each other by our worst moments.

Common Humanity

The common needs and desires within all people supersedes all differences. At the same time there are also unique cultures and values which must be known and respected.

Only the Heart

This is a movement that makes no sense when limited to the calculating mind. It is written in the Little Prince: “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is...


Competition is not the way to defeat evil, only communication and collaboration; together not opposed. Interdependence is at the heart of what holds America together, its...

This is your life

And so it begins We reach for the stars Lift up your voice Freedom is ours The struggle begins This is your chance The spirit's alive Oh what a ride! This is the price of...


The way you disagree is more important than the argument you make. If you don’t respect people they will believe that everything you say, believe, and do are wrong.


Why can’t we live together? Because there’s a lot of people that the only way they can keep their power and privilege is to keep us at each others throats.


Trust your intuitive gut instinct. We pick up each others vibrations and know when someone needs love and also when something is not right.

Food For Thought

Bite-sized morsels of wisdom and inspiration

Attitude of Gratitude

May we all be a lot more grateful and take a lot less for granted: family, friends, food and shelter, our personal lives, life itself. If we would live in that state we...

Real Strength

Unite as a family that is stronger than the sum of small individual members. The whole is greater than the part, also greater than the sum of the parts.


This movement serves as a jolt; jump-starting people’s hearts into an open position, from which they can act individually and together in a more noble way.


“The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back.” Abigail Van Buren


“Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible. It cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more...

Who suffers most?

If We Fail to rise to this occasion who suffers most? The young. They always pay the biggest price: *When there is no love: from their parents, within their family, the...

Just Gives

“Intense love does not measure, it just gives.” St. Mother Teresa

Most Important

“The most important thing in life is to learn to give out love, and let it come in." Morrie Schwartz

This is a move

This is a movement of moral leadership and progressive reform.


This movement is about recovering our vision, our story, and making proud all those who came before us and sacrificed for us.


All human suffering and difficulties can be reduced to the inability or refusal to love.

Had Enough?

Are you tired of all the hate, the division of America into two camps? Do you long for an America of possibility, of a vision to be proud of?

The Core

The foundation of this movement of love transcends the various groups that support it. It resides in the human heart, resonating in a way that we know most powerfully that...

Keep Hope Alive

“The coward fears everything. The brave, confident man has a hopeful disposition.” Aristotle

Hope for your Children

You want your children and grandchildren to grow up in a society where we strive to live together by the highest code we strive for in our personal lives rather than...


“When, in the name of an ideology, there is an attempt to remove God from a society, that society ends up adoring idols, and very soon men and women lose their way, their...


What good is it to go out into space if we have never made the earth a genuine home for all the souls who come here; always remembering that what we do to, for, and with...


Choose decency over disrespect, compassion over contempt, service over ambition, integrity over expedience.

No More

We all know love is not easy, and some are afraid that the commitment to love will exhaust the country. But hasn’t the alternative that we are currently living; an...


We dare to dream big, to rethink our priorities, to create something new that reflects our deepest values and commit our daily lives to.


The hope is where people dig in their heels and say: “this is how it’s going to be here. We care about each other.”


Where is the love? There is no love where the resources are skewed in such a way for the benefit of a few while so many others suffer.


This movement requires a level of courage needed and seen in war. This is facing our own lower instincts and fears. An external enemy can be easier to confront.


How we turn this around: The people you do good with become your allies; those you can trust in the future missions.


You can’t sustain 50 years of intensified selfishness; throw in Vietnam, Watergate, 9-11, 2008 recession, 2 failed Middle East wars, Trump, and a pandemic and just say...

Don’t stop now

This is how adults behave: delaying gratification and making the hard decisions that lead to a better country down the line, if not immediately. Confronting danger and...


When you find something that expresses love and joy you don’t keep it to yourself. Extend it, keep it going, transcending beyond what is.


We all have a core life choice: for good, for evil, for pleasure, ambivalence. Those who have chosen to strive to manifest only good here: we need to join together. When you...

Choose to refuse

Every voice of fear within our own limited minds will rise up to the surface. Every loud-mouthed demagogue representing the forces that have so much to lose should a more...

The Horror

We do horrible things to each other and when we refuse to love, it’s always the kids who get hurt. We must leave them a safer, more peaceful world.

Core Message

Our core message is that love is the answer. Love manifested as the greatest good, for the greatest number, in the greatest number of circumstances, for the greatest amount...

Grit & Guts

This movement will require courage and hard work. It is not for the feint of heart; but is necessary because the only alternative outcome is raging desperation and despair.

Action not words

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” Oscar Wilde

Prime Directive

We can arrive at the same conclusion of the primacy of Love through an infinite number of ways. Some are fed and driven by relationship, religion, some an innate sense of...

All you Need

Love is the final frontier. We have to stop pretending that a lot of other things like wealth, fame, and technology matter more. All of it is useless without love. Just as...


An age of unprecedented death and destruction has dawned upon humanity, and unless we reverse this flow and make a serious course correction, humanity will drop backwards...


Love never Fails.


Love is the Final Frontier.


Love is always putting the good ahead of personal desires.


“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." Dalai Lama

no jerk

Try to do good in the world, not out of fear of hell or adherence to religious platitudes or even the reward of heaven. Do it because it feels better than being a jerk.

No Barriers

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” Maya Angelou


“That old law about “an eye for an eye” leaves everybody blind. The time is always right to do the right thing.” MLK

This is a push

“Sometimes history needs a push.” Lenin

Never repay

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” John Bunyan

It’s Time

The time has come for all of us to not settle for what we have done so far, but to courageously stand in the breach, as weak, but blessed creatures, the wind of the creator...


“We need a movement. The only way you honor your prophets is when they fall, you pick up the baton and walk the next mile.” Wm. Barber

Always Action

Love Is A Verb. Love, the feeling, is a fruit of love, the verb. Serve. Sacrifice. Empathize. Appreciate. Feelings follow action. If our feelings control our actions, it is...

no Victims

Never get stuck in victim mode “They” are trying to get something for nothing. “They” enslaved my ancestors. “They" are ruining my country. When we don't believe the people...

New Ground

“Let us not go over the old ground. Let us rather prepare for what is to come.” Cicero


This really is God’s movement. God’s project. It is our Creator who is shaking us out of our comfort zone towards becoming what our species was made for.

That alone

“We’re all going to die. That alone should make us love each other, but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, beaten up by nothing.” Charles...

It don’t come Easy

Nothing in the world worth having comes easy.

Break on Through

Breaking through to a new level requires breaking through our comfort zones and facing the uncomfortable.

Impossible Dream

"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." Arthur C. Clarke


Love is rejecting any conceit of our own achievements. It rejects any willingness to impose power on those more vulnerable.

Never before

Humans have never before committed their collective life to this goal and purpose of love. Meanwhile always hoping that somehow the worst won’t occur; perpetually perplexed...


Not allowing someone their voice is claiming that you are crippled by the fear of what they might say.

Never Surrender

Would good can possibly come out of surrendering to “this is the way it will always be, and you can’t change it.” Does that feed your soul? We do not have to accept this...


Old ways won’t open new doors.


We need each other, and to belong to each other as a nation, as a family of nations, as a species.


This movement is the ultimate re-set; capturing the power of new beginning; activating new and novel pathways and rhythms.


“Unity is certainly not proposing an authoritarian and abstract universalism, devised or planned by a small group and presented as an ideal for the sake of leveling,...

Good News

The paradigm is shifting.

Out to Launch

This is the launch of a huge national renewal, offering an ideal and goal that is profound enough that we can unite behind it and move forward.

Not Conformity

United is not uniform conformity. The syntheses of diverse cultures grows a more vibrant, beautiful world.

Many Identities

In this era of identity politics remember that we have many identities. Let's focus on our ultimate identities: 1- we are each God’s beloved child 2- we are all members of...

A Big Chunk

We all want to feel that this is our home. But we’re afraid. The greed, stupidity, hate, anger, fear, chaos, corruption, insanity has gone so far that we fear we are...


There is nothing more beautiful, meaningful, and life-giving than the person doing whatever task is before them radiating with peace, joy and love from within.

Let it go

It’s a big country. There’s a lot of people who don’t think like you do. We don’t have to agree on everything. Let it go. The only hope for healing is to take the ego out of...


Now is the time to let go of what no longer serves us.


Our past is never our future. Yesterday does not equal tomorrow.


We cannot change one moment of the past, but we can change our whole future.

Smoke & Mirrors

Ultimately love, translated into just acts, is the only real hope for peace. Everything else is smoke and mirrors.


The Civilization of Love facilitates bonding for the larger purposes of why we have been brought together.

Take a good look

We will benefit and shape a more noble culture by deeply examining our lifestyles, relationships, the organization of our society, and the very meaning of our existence.

Intelligent design

“It is more intelligent to hope than to fear, to try than to not try.” E. Roosevelt

Go with the flow

Flow of social change: 1-Awareness of deficiency 2-desire for better 3-protest for better 4- movements for change 5-systemic change

Only Human

We are all human, each flawed, and the more you learn history, you see that we are just the latest in a long line. We may be foolish, filled with hatred, malice, jealousy,...

Love or Greed?

Do you want a love or greed based social order? They don’t go together. You have to choose.

Remember the Future



It is shameful and cowardly to insist that the level of cruelty and injustice in the world is inevitable and cannot be improved.

No one is Insignificant

The modern world tends increasingly to functionalize the satisfaction of human desires, now classified and subdivided among different services. Their illnesses known only in...

Real Guts

When it comes to love there is no end to the amount of songs, sermons, poetry, stories, and inspirational speeches. What takes real guts is daring to enter the arena of...


“It’s only the giving that makes you what you are.” Ian Anderson

Worst Thing

The worst thing we can do is not try. There is a Chinese proverb: “Failure is the mother of success.”


We don’t die when our hearts stop beating. We die when and where we feel we don't matter anymore.

More than Animals?

When a large number of animals are thrown together in a harsh environment each regards every other animal as an enemy.


Seal sings: “We’re never going to survive unless we go a little crazy.” The Civilization of Love Movement is way outside the box. And necessary.

Hope this is true

Most people still want to be on the right side of good vs. evil.

True Friends

“Friendship that insists on agreement in all things is not worthy of the name.” Gandhi

For Good

We are changing the world for good, with love. Go the Way your Blood Beats

See the best

We need to stop defining each other by our worst moments.

Common Humanity

The common needs and desires within all people supersedes all differences. At the same time there are also unique cultures and values which must be known and respected.

Only the Heart

This is a movement that makes no sense when limited to the calculating mind. It is written in the Little Prince: “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is...


Competition is not the way to defeat evil, only communication and collaboration; together not opposed. Interdependence is at the heart of what holds America together, its...

This is your life

And so it begins We reach for the stars Lift up your voice Freedom is ours The struggle begins This is your chance The spirit's alive Oh what a ride! This is the price of...


The way you disagree is more important than the argument you make. If you don’t respect people they will believe that everything you say, believe, and do are wrong.


Why can’t we live together? Because there’s a lot of people that the only way they can keep their power and privilege is to keep us at each others throats.


Trust your intuitive gut instinct. We pick up each others vibrations and know when someone needs love and also when something is not right.


To facilitate the spread of love at the community level we are modeling what we hope will be the spread of hubs of activity to cultivate local healing and creativity for all ages.

Hope Center

9021 Springfield Blvd
Queens Village NY 11428

Proudly located in one of the most diverse zip codes in America, the Hope Center has been serving the NYC and Long Island area for 30 years.

The Hope Center also houses the artwork and photography of local and Navajo artists.

The Hope Center is regularly used for professional workshops including: singing, poetry, and creativity.

For more info: The Hope Center

The Vault

9021 Springfield Blvd
Queens Village NY 11428

The Vault is a performance venue housed within the Hope Center. It has held countless open mic and cultural events featuring: poetry, music, performance art, hip-hop, magic, dance, spoken word, and comedy; welcoming all ages and all levels.

Vault News & Upcoming Events:

To book an event contact : Tony Bellizzi 718-479-2594


Building Community

Change The World



Enter Meme Gallery